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SCREENPLAYS We are available to punch up, script doctor, or rewrite your existing full-length feature scripts or short film scripts or take a brand new idea from premise to completion. Example Screenplay → TV SCRIPTS We are available to punch up, script doctor, or rewrite your existing TV script or take a brand new "pilot" idea or show spec from premise to completion. Example TV Script → COMMERCIALS Let us come up with the ideas and write your TV/online commercials, radio spots, sales videos, branded content, or marketing copy for you. We produce commercials too! Example Commercial → SKETCH COMEDY We can take your sketch comedy script, concept, or idea all the way to finished product. We'll also help with music videos and webisodes. Example Sketch → SCRIPT COVERAGE Studio-style Coverage includes full written notes page by page throughout your work as well as rewrite suggestions and overall impressions with a Pass, Consider, Option grade. Example Coverage → SCRIPTS FOR SALE Looking for comedic content that's fresh, original, and relentlessly funny?

Tahoe Forest Health System is proud to be awarded first place in Best Places to Work 2019 and second place in Best Places to Work 2020 by the by the Northern Nevada Human Resources Association! Best Places to Work is a contest that honors superior organizations where voices are heard, cultures thrive, and employees are engaged. Winners are determined entirely on the basis of employees' responses to an Employee Engagement Survey that measures key areas of the organization - from compensation and benefits to trust in leadership and employee engagement. Tahoe Forest Health System is a values-based organization guided by five core values: Quality, Understanding, Excellence, Stewardship, and Teamwork. Learn more about our mission, vision, and values. Our team members are dedicated to providing superior health care and united by a sense of community and compassion. Tahoe Forest Health System offers great career and volunteer opportunities in friendly, supportive environment. Our employees and volunteers enjoy living in a beautiful mountain town with all the amenities it has to offer.

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We now turn to the hostile nation of North Korea. The rocket they are testing is big enough..... reach the West Coast of the United States. Today, an official of the United Nations tried to tell the world..... there will be no mistake..... we are living in the midst of a modern-day Hitler. A young, untested leader with nuclear ambition- - - Kim Jong-un. We are talking about Kim Jong-un. Good evening. I'm Dave Sky/ark. Tonight, we are joined by 13-time Grammy winner..... songwrften Detroit's own: Eminem. He W speak with us about his new album which has been mired in controversy... Concerning lyrics that some view as demeaning..... the elderly. Tonight..... Skylark Tonight. And..... "IIZS hell to be Shady Yesterday I yelled a degrading insult At an elderly lady Then I asked her haw it felt to be 80 F- word a senior citizen Suck a Wiener, sit and spin " - "Suck a wienen sit and spin" - it's funny. '% d why you drive so slow for? Don't you wanna get Where you? e going faster Since you7/ probably die tomorrow You old whore?

Funny job interview video comedy script 2

Shut it off! - Get him the f*ck out of here! - I'm gonna murder you! Thank you. Dave, look, I got the lyrics. Say what I say. What did you mean when you rapped: "I said nice rectum, I had a-" "- vasectomy Hector So you can? get pregnant If / bisexually wreck ya"? I've pretty much just been leaving

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Die, old bitch, die Before I murder you" What do you mean by this, Em? Well, irsl of all, I feel like when I rap, like..... twist my words. Okay. But can you see how an old person might say: "l think what this guy is telling me, this Eminem..... that I should go kill myself, and, you know, I don't like that"? I mean, I don't necessarily rap about..... things that I hate. It's more about the things that I fear. I get you. - If I talk about women or whatever. - Yes. A lot of that is more or less me just dealing with issues with..... issues with my mom or whatever. With your mother? Yeah, or, you know, when I say things about gay people..... people think my lyrics are homophobic. t's because I'm gay. - When I rap about violence... - Wait.., you know, sound like I'm promoting violence... -... I think that it's more or less... - What? What? What? cause, you know, it's kind of about me just confronting it. What did he just say? He said he was gay. Dave. Dave, we're pretty sure we just heard him say he was gay.

Before long, Mr. Bush seemed to lose interest, turning his attention to Iraq. He toppled Saddam Hussein, but a well-conceived plan to turn combat success into political success did not follow. A bold counterinsurgency "surge" was required to get Iraq back on track. Progress halted when President Obama abruptly withdrew all U. forces from Iraq. "This could be one of the great achievements of this administration, " said Vice President Joe Biden. "You're going to see a stable government in Iraq that is actually moving toward a representative government. " Instead, we saw a power vacuum filled by Islamic State fighters and Shia militias commanded by the Islamic Republic of Iran. Mr. Obama focused on Afghanistan, which he called the "right" war, the war that should be "prioritized. " But he prosecuted it in a puzzling manner, for example by "surging" additional troops while reassuring the Taliban that those forces wouldn't tarry long. Earlier this month, retired Gen. Jack Keane, chairman of the Institute for the Study of War, testified before the Senate Committee on Armed Services.

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Em, let's just back it up a moment. You..... said..... you were gay? And I'm just curious what you meant by that exactly. I mean I'm gay. I'm a little confused here because "gay" can mean a lot of things. I am a homosexual. LVleaning...? I like men What the f*ck just happened? Eminem said he was gay four times. Thais what me f*ck just happened. - Holy shit. Eminem's gay on our show Oh, my God. Camera two. Gay Twitter's blowing up. Change the chyron. "Eminem gay?! " Dave, keep him talking. Keep him talking. Push in on gay Eminem. The greatest moment in gay history! - are probably shocked by what you're saying right now. I'm more shocked that people haven't figured it out. t's like I've been playing gay peekaboo. - Gay peekaboo. - Yeah. - But.... - Shit. Camera one. - This interview is over. Shut it off. - No! Get out of here. I am Marshall's publicist. Pull the plug now. This is gold! This is the best interview we've ever done! What happens if I do this? - Don't touch my buttons! - Shut it off!
