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Post Job Interview Thank You Email Sample

  1. So I tried to hire a chef... and it got weird : fatFIRE

Ok so cool, I reached out and we scheduled a video chat. I figured I'd remove the guesswork for him and made a long list of food-related things that make me happy: ingredients, meals, restaurants, cookbooks, chefs - all of it. Then we had a discussion and agreed on a couple of things: (1) he would prepare the food at his place and bring it to me (because pandemic) (2) he would label the food with the calorie counts and (3) this would happen at a twice per week cadence. He mentioned that he once worked for the ceo of a telecom and the nutritionist had him exactly weight out all the ingredient to calculate the macros so calorie counts wouldn't be a problem. The immediate name drop and something about the way he talked about the client was a first little yellow flag. Actually coordinating his first trial cooking session somehow took more than 15 emails. There were logistics changes: he realized he can't accommodate the cooking from his home kitchen and I offered the shared kitchen in the rooftop lounge of my condo building.

So I tried to hire a chef... and it got weird : fatFIRE

  1. So I tried to hire a chef... and it got weird : fatFIRE
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Give a discount for word of mouth advertising. If the mother refers you and you get a 2nd gig, perhaps just do 1 lesson for free some time as a bonus. Only if you cancel a class can they reciprocate. Otherwise, they'll pay for a month of teaching and cancel so many times, it will take you 4 months to collect it. Just like anything else, you pay and you don't show up, then you lose your money. If the organization cancels classes, it's just moved to another day, they never lose money. Don't touch the kids. No shoulder or hair rubs. A fist bump or high five is the extent of your physical interaction with them. Sit on the opposite side of the table, not next to them. The parents don't know anything. You may need to interview the student with some sample levels, see where they fit. Go to the bookstore and purchase that book for them with the receipt. They will reimburse you with cash. Never tell them to choose a book, they won't go, or if they do, they will pull something off the shelf that is not right for their kid.

You can canvass an entire poor area, and not get one response. Post your availability, resume, on Dave's ESL Cafe,, and other ESL websites. (refrain from using your real name and information) When you get someone that contacts you, shut up about who you are. When you are done shutting up, remind yourself to shut up again, and keep shutting up. Tie a string around your finger to remind yourself about this if you need it. Fake name, cash --no direct bank deposit, fake job you work at, fake living area, you are an F-Visa holder married to a Korea etc. In the event there is a dispute, they can't declare you to has your photo and information on file, so if they needed to identify you in a line up, they probably will be able to in a pinch. Do a good job, give extra materials. Come about 5 minutes early and leave a little bit late. Give good service and don't go exactly by the clock. Do a little over time, bring some cookies or a pack of strawberries to the mother as a "service gesture. " From there, you should be able to springboard into word of mouth advertising, as these people know others who are also looking for some private tutoring.

Never tell your co-workers. Nooooo, big no-no. Ever hear the saying, "Don't crap where you eat? " It means, keep one set of business separate from another and didn't I just tell you to shut up about all this? You better get that string, I don't think you were listening. This video will help. Your employer MAY have some side work available if you ask and of course, they set it up and take a cut. In the end, a lot of people do it, and it's a great way to have petty cash always available for regular purchases and expenses. If you have an F Visa, do whatever you want, there is nothing that can be done even if the employer doesn't approve of it, besides firing you. If you get caught, just look really sad, maybe practice quivering your chin or lip a little bit. Say you will pay whatever fine they ask, then pay it, and promise to pinky swear to never ever do it again, and thank them for "understanding your unique situation. " Good luck!

Koreans often have a lot of crimes on the books, but in actuality, don't really enforce them, just like, oh....... I don't laws and salary theft maybe? Here's what you do. Make fliers using Microsoft Publisher, and your generous employer's copy machine and paper why not. Just don't leave anything on the glass for them to find. This will save on printing costs. Neat life-hack! Put your name, dedicated email account just for this, what you are offering--English classes, the cost: $25-$35/hr (youth)-$50/hr (adults), $75/hr (corporate). Telephone number is common, but I'd use your judgement regarding this. All buildings that have an open door, go to every apartment and tape your flier on the doors. All food delivery and local supermarkets do this every week. For those that have an open door and only have access to mail boxes, put them in there. Don't post on the corkboard, that is for paid ads only. Post on light poles and high traffic areas like bus stops. Post in the richer areas. If the buildings look run down, don't bother.

Ok so maybe he's a bit weird, but I've already answered so many emails! I don't answer that many emails even for big projects at work, but here we are, 15 emails deep. So I gently remind him that he still owes me a quote and he sends it over. Along with a very long wall of text asking me to imagine a future where he serves me personally while I sit at a table on my rooftop admiring the view, promising to make home mode foie gras, complimenting my amazing food palette, etc. You guys, there are so many red flags but I can't just leave it here. I'm going to try it. He's coming by on Monday and cooking some stuff. If I don't get murdered, I'll post an update. Edit: I'm female, on the younger side, and live alone while the chef is older and male - this might amplify my sensitivity to social weirdness. Edit 2: I'm in Seattle, which isn't at the NYC or Bay Area level when it comes to the culinary scene.

Some simple questions and answers about making extra money in Korea side-teaching. Question: Is it illegal? --If you are on an E2 Visa, which most of you are, yes, it's illegal without permission from your employer. For example, they request that you travel to Samsung to teach a manager twice a week, then no, that's not illegal. You travel there and teach him without permission and giving your employer a cut, that's illegal. Gotta pay the mob. Question: Can I get deported for doing this? --Absolutely. They will rip your fingernails out one by one, flog you for no less that 4 straight hours, make you carry a sign about your crime, then crucify you for all to see. If you survive, they will deport you. Still want to risk it? I don't think so! Question: Even though it's illegal and dangerous, will you tell me how to do it anyway? --Of course! The Hagwons with the winking eye of the government rip you off head to toe, but you aren't supposed to make a little side cash? Ridiculous. Yes, it's a deportable "crime" much like jaywalking, and there is some minuscule number that actually get caught but typically you MAY pay a monetary fine and a warning IF in the rare likelihood they would even waste resources on such nonsense, or a slow work day.
